
Regressive psychological transference syndrome

Dan Clements, Your Christian/Constitutional Warrior Friday January 5, 2018 Episode 952: I’m having too good of time watching the regressives in America melt down. I picture the wicked witch of the west on the Wizard of Oz, melting after Dorthy threw water on her. And regressives have been melting for quite some time. The armchair psychiatrist are coming out of…

Regressive psychological transference syndrome

by Dan Clements, Your Christian/Constitutional Warrior Friday January 5, 2018 Episode 952: I’m having too good of time watching the regressives in America melt down. I picture the wicked witch of the west on the Wizard of Oz, melting after Dorthy threw water on her. And regressives have been melting for quite some time. The armchair psychiatrist are coming out…