
A Night For Freedom, Alt-Right or Pro Freedom?

Dan Clements, Your Christian/Constitutional Warrior Tuesday January 23, 2018 Episode 963: Saturday night in Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan, NY, Pro freedom podcasters, comedians, and YouTubers, gathered to hold an event to advance the principals of freedom. Of course the lamestream US and British media declares this is an “Alt-Right party” that is bashing everything and everybody the regressive left supports. I…

A Night For Freedom, Alt-Right or Pro Freedom?

by Dan Clements, Your Christian/Constitutional Warrior Tuesday January 23, 2018 Episode 963: Saturday night in Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan, NY, Pro freedom podcasters, comedians, and YouTubers, gathered to hold an event to advance the principals of freedom. Of course the lamestream US and British media declares this is an “Alt-Right party” that is bashing everything and everybody the regressive left supports.…